Eat Less Food and Live Longer: Is this Old News or New?
A study carried out in China in 2020 is claiming that if you Eat Less, You will Live Longer.
A study carried out in China in 2020 is claiming that if you Eat Less, You will Live Longer.
What value do you put on your health or even on your life ? What value do you put on the lives of your loved ones?
Climate change is the biggest single issue that humanity faces presently. Without some global radical paradigm shifts in transport and electricity generation particularly, CO2 levels will reach at least 500 ppm by 2040 and with it 2 degree C Global Warming. UPC explores the data, its own simple maths modelling and suggests personal solutions.
Transport overall is the biggest UK source of CO2 emissions (36% in 2018), the next highest sector is Electricity supply (19% in 2018). UPC takes an innovative look at what can be done quickly in the transport sector to reduce CO2, rather than taking a slow conventional approach.
Alexander Wilkinson representing the NHS spoke on Sustainable Respiratory Healthcare at RDD Lisbon. UPC briefly analyses what the inhaler industry can do to reduce climate change.
News feeds today (30 Oct 2019) are full of STOP using puffer inhalers, use dry powder inhalers instead. I think this needs a little balance with the full CO2 (and equivalent) UK 2018 published data, before asthma and COPD sufferers feel under too much guilty pressure to change treatments.
The UK Government strategy is for 100% electric vehicles by 2050, along with 100% new homes being electric only. 2019 is on track to be the first year when zero carbon electricity reaches more than 50% of total UK consumption. UPC looks at the new generating infrastructure needed to achieve the 2050 zero carbon goal.
In this age of Transparency, what went wrong ? Two young women have died through no fault of their own, during routine caesareans in a hospital in Kent.